We're a trusted leader in B2C college admissions and paying for college information and services.

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FB Group Members
Annual Page Views

Want to Reach Parents?
Our Audience is Engaged and Active.

Parents : 98% Students : 2%
Website : (Male: 37% Female: 63%)
Facebook : (Male: 10% Female: 90%)
Average Age : 45-54 yrs old
Top 10 Locations

  • California
  • New York
  • Texas
  • New Jersey
  • Illinois
  • Pennsylvania
  • Massachusetts
  • Florida
  • Virginia
  • North Carolina

Composition of Parent Email Addresses

  • In High School 35%
  • In College 44%
  • Post College 5%
  • Mixed Grades 15%
  • Professionals 1%

Parents Weigh In:
Who Makes the College Decision?

I never planned to be a helicopter parent. But h*ll would have frozen over before I Ieft a decision worth over $100K of MY money in the hands of a 17-year-old!

— Sabrina M.

If they could truly borrow money only in their name, then I could understand. But it’s a family obligation and decision. The FAFSA, the CSS and any loans are on the parents. Sure, let them drive the bus, but you have to be a willing passenger to make sure it’s not an insane ride for all.

— Jodi S.

As Seen in:

What Parents are Concerned About:

  • What are the best ways to save for college?
  • How much student debt is too much?
  • How do I know if my student will graduate in four years and get a job?
  • Does my student need to go to a name brand school to succeed?
  • What are money management tips I should teach my child?
  • What’s the best way to build up credit when you go to college?
  • Do I still need life insurance when my student goes to college?
  • What extracurricular activities should my high school student participate in so they get into college?
  • How important are college admissions essays to getting accepted?


We host online events via Zoom and stream them live to Facebook. Our guests are all experts in their fields and together we help educate and support families on the admissions and paying for college journey.

Registration ranges from 200 to over 2,000 people.
Anywhere from 30-50% of these registrants attend live, the rest watch the recording.

What Families Need to Know About Paying for College

Money Management Skills for Young Adults

Newsletters and Emails

Our weekly and specialty newsletters highlight timely articles, events,
community voices, services, and products.


We focus on stories that help families navigate college admissions so they can find the right college at a price they can afford. Readers can search by grade, stage, and topic.

The Common Black College Application Lowers Costs and Stress

May 1, 2023 | Ana Pelayo Connery

Parents in our Paying for College 101 FB Group recently had a discussion about historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs)…

Virtual College Tours: Are They Worth It?

May 5, 2023 | Linsey Knerl

The Pros and Cons of Virtual College Tours Virtual college tours were very helpful during the height of COVID-19. Now…

How Students Should Spend the Summer Before Senior Year

May 1, 2023 | Linsey Knerl

A parent in our Paying for College 101 FB Group recently asked the community what they wished they had done…

To scroll through our stories, click HERE


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